ELYT.net NFT Burn Program

4 min readDec 1, 2022


ELYT.net declared the beginning of the burning period for the NFT packages and cards it offers. This article describes the ELYT.net burning schedule and its impact on our business model.

ELYT Burn Program

First and foremost, the term “BURN” has a specific meaning in the world of Blockchain. Crypto assets are created in blockchain networks, which cannot be modified or deleted after creation. Alternatively, ownership of these assets is transferable. “BURN or BURNING” refers to the process of transferring any crypto asset on a blockchain network to an unclaimed wallet so that it cannot be transferred or used again by a new user.

ELYT.net distributes NFT Packages and Cards to its users in exchange for various rules and actions, based on an actual business model. We anticipate that users will receive these NFTs within specified timeframes and in accordance with applicable regulations. However, we are pleased to announce that we have just released an update that will destroy packages and cards that are not purchased within the allotted time frame and in accordance with the rules.

Thanks to the incineration processes on ELYT.net, the permanent decommissioning of unclaimed NFTs allows us to not only reward users who quickly utilize the opportunities presented to them but also to strengthen our business model.

In this context, we have attempted to provide answers to questions that may arise. Following the questions and answers is the burning calendar for the current ELYT.net NFTs.

How can we determine the expiration dates of ELYT.net NFTs?
If you display a countdown timer beneath that NFT on each NFT page, distribution of that NFT will conclude at the end of this period.

Are all NFTs whose distribution has concluded burned?
The answer to this question is yes 99 percent of the time, but it is highly improbable that there will be any exceptions. Our recommendation to users is to acquire NFTs whose primary distribution is in progress prior to the expiration of the countdown period.

What occurs when NFTs are burned?
They are now deprecated and inaccessible.

I received an NFT Package with an expired countdown timer, but I did not open it yet. What will occur when the time limit expires?
None of the NFTs associated with a user’s account are lost, including unopened packages. Users can open their packages whenever they choose.

When the countdown timer expires, do burn cards contained in unopened packages vanish?
No. Each pack contains a unique deck of cards with a random layout. Even if the cards are burned, the unopened packages preserve the cards until they are opened.

Is there a way to get packages or cards that have been burned?
If any unopened packs or nonutilized cards are left belonging to other users and users decide to sell them, you can make a purchase. You may also try to bid on these NFTs if enough unopened packages or unused cards are available.

I have a different question!
You can post your inquiry on our support website at https://support.elyt.net

ELYT.net Burning Schedule for Recent Packs and Cards (all times are GMT+3 İstanbul)

İstanbul Tech Week 2022
05.12.2022 12:12

The Future with Nature / The Age of Data Blocks / Sustainable Operations / Financial Inclusion / Artificial Neural Networks
05.12.2022 13:33

Avaxtars Airdrop Series A
16.12.2022 16:16

Avaxtars Airdrop Series B
16.12.2022 16:16

MetaGold Common / MetaGold Rare / MetaGold Epic / MetaGold Legend
17.12.2022 17:17

ELYT Launch Pack 01
19.12.2022 19:19

CryptoMandala Airdrop Series A
21.12.2022 21:21

CryptoMandala Airdrop Series B
21.12.2022 21:21

ELYT Astronaut Alpha / ELYT Astronaut Beta / ELYT Astronaut Gamma / ELYT Astronaut Delta / ELYT Astronaut Epsilon
22.12.2022 22:22

Sonat Premium Pack
23.12.2022 23:23

Yılmaz Sıkçadağıtılan 01 / Survivor 02 / Saldırhan 01 / Non Player 04 / Non Player 03
23.12.2022 23:28

TeknoSeyir Card Collection — Youtube Members
25.12.2022 23:23

Pandaverse 01
26.12.2022 16:16

The Photo Shooter / The Hell Shooter / The Body Builder / The Console Bender / The Retro Perspective / The Cat Father
27.12.2022 17:17

Koray Birand Pixelverz — Youtube Members v01
28.12.2022 18:18

Camper 01 / Axeman 01 / The Peace / Bowman 01 / My Camp
29.12.2022 19:19

Mesut Cevik Youtube Members LevelOne
30.12.2022 13:13

The Hacker One — 01
05.01.2023 15:15

The Hacker One — 10
05.01.2023 15:15

The Lamer / The Bug Hunter / The Researcher / The Coder / The Hacker One
06.01.2023 16:16

1010101010101 / 2020202020202 / 3030303030303 / 4040404040404 / 5050505050505
23.01.2023 23:23

Bitronit Special NFT Pack #1
24.01.2023 14:14

The Atom / The Crypto / The Bear / The Bull / To The Moon
24.01.2023 14:24

Samurai Sungurbird
30.01.2023 19:19

Samurai Sungurbird 01 / Samurai Sungurbird 02 / Samurai Sungurbird 03 / Samurai Sungurbird 04 / Samurai Sungurbird 05
30.01.2023 19:23

Mesut Cevik Twitch Subs Level 3
01.02.2023 23:07

Koray Birand Pixelverz — Twitch Subs v02
01.02.2023 23:07

0000000000000 / 9090909090909 / 8080808080808 / 7070707070707 / 6060606060606
01.02.2023 23:09

Pixelverz — Being / Pixelverz — Judge / Pixelverz — Power / Pixelverz — Faith / Pixelverz — Exist
01.02.2023 23:13

Sonat The Game
28.02.2023 23:25

The Game Level 1 / The Game Level 2 / The Game Level 3 / The Game Level 4 / The Game Final Level
28.02.2023 23:33

Note: Burning dates may be determined in the future for packages and cards that are not included in the list above. Current burning dates can be revised if necessary.

The ELYT platform can be accessed via https://elyt.net
For more information, you can contact info@elyt.net

